We had a fun open house today with about 150 people coming to mingle and to tour our new show home. It was a scorcher of a day and we were happy that we had two tents to help keep people cool thanks to Prairieheart Tent Rentals — what a nice start to the summer. (Everyone was able take advantage of the tents except Foreman Nick Wall, who was assigned BBQ duty!)
Our trades, suppliers and customers raised $3110 for the Portage Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). Included in this amount was over $300 raised at Emma Bailey’s birthday party last weekend. Special thanks for large donations from Point West Electrical, Shewfelt’s Plumbing and Heating, and Irwin Flooring — thanks for stepping up to the challenge!
Special thanks to Travis Roberts and Al Klassen from Mix 96. You both made the live broadcast interviews fun, and painless.