We had a great time visiting with everyone who attended the Grand Opening of our showroom and retail division yesterday, and are grateful for all the support! Below are some images from the big day for Bailey Homes.
[Read more…]RTM Swim Spa Install

It was another first for Bailey Homes when we added a 16 x 8 x 5’ tall swim spa into our Dupont RTM this past year. The spa is so large we had to install it before the gable wall was completed, and then build around it.
[Read more…]Koko Platz Garage Renovation

Our customers bought this house in Koko Platz in Portage la Prairie and realized the garage just wasn’t deep enough — they also felt that the front of their house had very little curb appeal.
[Read more…]Custom Maintenance-Free Deck Upgrade

Our customer in Koko Platz in Portage la Prairie had some old decks that he wanted redone with a covered roof on one deck and he was also looking to have them maintenance free.
[Read more…]Madison 5 Bathroom 360
Take a 360 look around the ensuite in our Madison 5. The main bathroom has access from the hall and master bedroom to cut down on bathrooms, and also includes a walk-in closet.
[Read more…]Flin Flon Trip

Shawn and the crew had a busy week and a half up in Flin Flon in June.
They built a deck, poured a basement floor and patios, built stairs, added siding around a foundation, and did after-move touchups on the homes that moved in the winter. Whew!
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